Students running through Hardy-Weinberg proportions
Teaching about the mice of Arkansas
A set of drawings of specimens we cover in parasitology
Courses Taught
Arkansas State University
BIO 5604 Conservation Genomics (In development)
BIO 4/5013 Population Genetics (Fall even)
BIO 3013 Genetics (as needed)
BIO 4/5354 Mammalogy and Lab (Fall odd)
BIO 4/5384 Parasitology and Lab (Spring odd)
ESCI 7121 Seminar: Ecology and Evolution of Parasites (based on demand)
Missouri Southern State University
Bio 101: General Biology and Lab
Bio 110: Principles of Biology I and Lab
Bio 305: Genetics and Lab
Bio 361 Parasitology and Lab
EH 371: Environmental Toxicology
Oklahoma State University (Teaching Assistant)
Zool 1604L: Animal Biology Lab
Zool 4104L: General Parasitology Lab
Zool 1114L: Introductory Biology Lab
University of North Dakota (Teaching Assistant)
Biol 333L: Population Biology Lab
Biol 336L: Systematic Botany Lab
Teaching Awards
Writing Excellence Award (2019): This is a university-level award, determined by The Writing Program Committee, to acknowledge excellent writing assignments used by instructors at Missouri Southern State University. I earned this award for my research-based assignment in BIOL 305 Genetics: “Empowering Students to Think and Write Like Biologists: A Multiweek, Inquiry-Based, Fruit Fly Writing Project“
Teaching Publications
Bolek, MG, G Langford, and KD Gustafson. (IN PREP) Parasites in Relation to Other Organisms: Hosts, reservoirs, and vectors. Chapter 5a in Concepts in Animal Parasitology. (Gardner SL and SA Gardner, eds.) Zea Books Open Access
Bolek, MG, G Langford, and KD Gustafson. (IN PREP) Parasites in Relation to Other Organisms: Life Cycles. Chapter 5b in Concepts in Animal Parasitology. (Gardner SL and SA Gardner, eds.) Zea Books Open Access